WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes - Week 11
Started by Lankaster



Admin Member
09 Apr 2024
Last Seen
11 Mar 2025

Goooooooooood [Timezone] Everyone!

I'm back for the updates and changes, have you missed me? (I better hear you say that you have /lhj)

Anyway I'm doing this at 5 am because I am a completely functional human being



Monday 3rd March

(this was evidently sol's day)

- @solarizer0 Wrote the weekly updates and changes, and changed around the top 3 chatter and voice chatters roles

- @solarizer0 Wrote the weekly revamp updates

- @solarizer0 Did an origin change


Tuesday 4th March

- @WolfQueen1896 Disabled carl bot from double logging certain things

- @Cirawynn Completed an origin change.


Wednesday 5th March

- @WolfQueen1896 Reworded the "list 2 downsides of your origin" section in the origin change forum to make it more clear.

- @WolfQueen1896 Also reworded the "Password" section in the origins doc to make it more clear the example is not the password (you don't want to know how many people we've had that put in the example)

- @WolfQueen1896 Completed an origin change.

- @WolfQueen1896 Closed two old tickets that weren't closed yet

- @WolfQueen1896 Purged members 2 months+ old, unverified with 0 messages sent.


Thursday 6th March

A day with no work log things


Friday 7th March

Also nothing to report, I'm sure we made up for it with having a lot done in revamp today


Saturday 8th March

- @WolfQueen1896 Messed around with Sapphire bot, trying get commands working right

- @WolfQueen1896 "failed"

- @WolfQueen1896 Joined the sapphire discord, and made a help thread to hopfully get commands working right

- @WolfQueen1896 Got Sapphire working correctly, set up auto response messages to common issues

- @Cirawynn Did an origin change


Sunday 2nd March

- @WolfQueen1896 Decided to use discord polls going forward, and removed the EasyPoll bot

- @WolfQueen1896 Made a poll wether we keep or remove birthday bot

- @WolfQueen1896 Made 3 new commands to be used by staff

- @WolfQueen1896 Denied two ban appeals




In the last seven days, we have had 14 open tickets (9 less than last week), 7 are still open (2 more than last week). Of these tickets, 10 of them was origin changes (same as last week).



In the last seven days, we have had a total of 6,845 messages sent. This is 3,461 more than last week. We spent a combined total of 77.33 hours in VC. This is 6,97 hours less than last week.


The three most active chatting channels this week were general with 2,875 messages, mc talk with 775 messages, and revamp discussions with 603 messages.

The top chatters of the week were: 

1. @slushelhusky with 1,076 messages.

2. @WolfQueen1896 with 807 messages

3. @Flyvee with 602 messages

Since 3 staff, I will keep going.

4. @MrJingles56 with 492 messages

5. @ceno9 with 458 messages

6. @Lankaster with 353 messages

7. @solarizer0 with 294 messages

8. @wilt_r with 233 messages

9. @gremlin_01 with 214 messages


The three most active voice channels this week were Other Games - The worse one (still better in our hearts) with 24.75 hours, Movie Nights with 19.92 hours, and Staff Invisible with 9.30 hours. 

The top voice chatters this week were:

1. @chaos_o with 9.32 hours

2. @MatorkBoela with 7.27 hours

3. @kilakim with 6.62 hours

2 players and 1 staff (wow that has been a while), I will keep going.

4. @WolfQueen1896 with 6.55 hours

5. @MrJingles56 with 4.58 hours

6. @null_drei with 4.52 hours


Further Stats

We had an average of 856 messages per day this week, 437 less than last week, with 83 unique members across 53 unique channels.

On average, we had 11.72 hours spent in VC per day with 32 unique members across 10 unique channels.

We have had 26 people join the server and 17 leaving, leaving us with a weekly gain of 9 people.

Lankaster · 2 days ago