WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes - Week 10
Started by solarizer0



Admin Member
12 Apr 2024
Last Seen
03 Mar 2025

The original draft for this contained a lovely greeting, a riddle, and comments throughout. And then NamelessHosting (the site we're on right now) decided it didn't like that and yeeted the original draft, and I don't have the time or effort to do it all again, so here we are. 

Now I go write Revamp Updates.



Monday 24th February

- @WolfQueen1896 Updated weekly changes and announcements.

- @slushelhusky Solved theft mystery.

- @solarizer0 Completed Revamp Updates.

- @WolfQueen1896 Reworded RP rules and submission template; posted for staff review.

- @Flyvee Reviewed new rules list, fixed typos, and made comments.


Tuesday 25th February

- @solarizer0 Revised server restart schedule (to be updated weekly with Revamp Updates).

- @WolfQueen1896 Edited server rules based on Flyvee’s comments.


Wednesday 26th February

- @Cirawynn Verified a user and put them on probation.

- @Cirawynn Completed an origin change. @solarizer0 verified the user.


Thursday 27th February

- @WolfQueen1896 Fixed players being unable to speak in "Other Games" channel.

- @MatorkBoela Checked rent.

- @WolfQueen1896 Added all staff channels to "no XP gain.".


Friday 28th February

- @solarizer0 completed an origin change.

- @solarizer0 Checked up on tickets and added a 48 hour close deadline to some of them.

- @solarizer0 Added description to Singularity and Wishing Star's description on Origins Doc about broken powers.

- @Cirawynn completed an origin change.

- @WolfQueen1896 retired @grimtomic.

- @WolfQueen1896 Made Staff follow up surveys and gave to all staff.

- @Cirawynn made announcement to players concerning Revamp/Reset date.


Saturday 1st March

- @solarizer0 Did staff survey "Did this, and met the quota of making fun of Wolf’s spelling at least once."

- @WolfQueen1896 yeeted Yuno (AwsomeQA bot)

- @MatorkBoela evicted 4 shops.

- @WolfQueen1896 Disabled all Carl-bot moderation perms

- @MatorkBoela did end of month nation announcement

- @MatorkBoela removed two nations that didn't submit any nation coins for three months

- @MatorkBoela removed all the old nation quests

- @MatorkBoela made the staff nation quests (centred around luck)

- @WolfQueen1896 removed option for people to re-set roles upon rejoining server

- @WolfQueen1896 Changed spam message count from 3 messages in 5 seconds to 5 messages in 3 seconds.

- @WolfQueen1896 moved auto-logging from arcane and carl bot to Sapphire

- @WolfQueen1896 removed carl bot welcome/leave messages and set up with Sapphire

- @WolfQueen1896 moved warns/kicks/mutes/bans to Sapphire bot

- @Cirawynn Did staff feedback survey 2

- @Cirawynn Changed origin password for March

- @WolfQueen1896 made new nation token

- @WolfQueen1896 added new nation token to nation quests

- @WolfQueen1896 updated resource pack and announced


Sunday 2nd March

- @WolfQueen1896 re-named Staff Forum to Moderation Forum

- @WolfQueen1896 re-made to-do and Work Log

- @WolfQueen1896 converted to do and work logs from old forums to this new one

- @WolfQueen1896 re-made absences, useful links, commands channels in moderation forum

- @WolfQueen1896 copied above channel info into new forums

- @WolfQueen1896 made new Schedule and Decision Forum

- @WolfQueen1896 moved old channels to Archived

- @Cirawynn did Origin Change

- @Cirawynn verified person getting origin change




In the last seven days, we have had 23 open tickets (2 more than last week), 5 are still open (1 less than last week). Of these tickets, 10 of them was origin changes (9 more than last week).



In the last seven days, we have had a total of 10,306 messages sent. This is 5,893 more than last week. We spent a combined total of 84.30 hours in VC. This is 32 hours less than last week.


The three most active chatting channels this week were general with 3,271 messages, break room with 1,090 messages, and staff hell with 1,031 messages.

The top chatters of the week were: 

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 1,871 messages.

2. @solarizer0 with 1,763 messages

3. @Flyvee with 870 messages

Since 3 staff, I will keep going.

4. @slushelhusky with 820 messages

5. @ceno9 with 587 messages

6. @MrJingles56 with 402 messages

7. @Cirawynn with 365 messages

8. @Lankaster with 319 messages

9. @l.m.n.24 with 221 messages

10. @ythegamerita with 215 messages


The three most active voice channels this week were Other Games - The worse one with 46.08 hours, Invisible with 11.42 hours, and Staff VC with 9.32 hours. 

The top voice chatters this week were:

1. @MatorkBoela with 20.55 hours

2. @WolfQueen1896 with 7.80 hours

3. @chaos_o. with 7.58 hours

2 staff 1 players, I will keep going.

4. @ducyk with 6.43 hours

5. @Lankaster with 6.07 hours

6. @thegayestghost with 4.82 hours


Further Stats

We had an average of 1,293 messages per day this week, 731 less than last week, with 80 unique members across 49 unique channels.

On average, we had 14.05 hours spent in VC per day with 28 unique members across 10 unique channels.

We have had 18 people join the server and 13 leaving, leaving us with a weekly gain of 5 people. 

solarizer0 · 8 days ago · Last edited: 8 days ago