WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes Week 6
Started by WolfQueen1896



Owner Member
30 Mar 2024
Last Seen
10 Feb 2025

Hello All! 

I am back, can't get rid of me that easily. But I am also sick and sore and bleh so I'mma just get this done. 



Monday 27th January

- This was my birthday!!!

- @Lankaster wrote up the updates and changes as I took over the Revamp updates and changes. 

Tuesday 28th January

- Nothing.

Wednesday 29th January

- Nothing

Friday 30th January

- @Flyvee changes stone chests in an ancient city

Saturday 31st January

- @MatorkBoela replaced some stone chests (how are their still stone chests existing!???

- @Lankaster made februarys nation token icon

- @WolfQueen1896 announced nation winners, removed abandoned nations, updated resource pack with february nation coin, added three new nation quests, added updated resource pack to WQO modpack and uploading v16 now. 

- @WolfQueen1896 added 6 new nation quests, added current "max" tokens fo rth month to the nation spreadsheet, updated the spreadsheet, updated and announced the modpack v16 version. 


Sunday 1st February

- @MatorkBoela evicted 5 shops

- @Cirawynn Changed the origin password for February



In the last seven days, we have had 27 open tickets (1 more than last week), 15 of them are still open (same as last week). Of these tickets, 11 of them were origin changes (2 less than last week)


In the last seven days, we have had a total of 16,403 messages sent. This is 372 less than last week. We spent a combined total of 256.78 hours in VC. This is 13.09 hours less than last week.


The three most active chatting channels this week were General with 5,526 messages, break room with 2,165 messages and Revamp Discussions with 2007 messages. 

The top chatters of the week were:

1. @slushelhusky with 2,161 messages

2. @CENO9 with 2,064 messages

3. @Flyvee with 1,841 messages

Two staff and one player, I will keep going. 

4. @WolfQueen1896 with 1,724 messages

5. @5CANDEL (@solarizer0) with 1,571 messages 

6. @MrJingles56 with 865 messages.

7. @Lankaster with 861 messages.

8. @blueflame21x with 475 messages.

9. @sonlaik with 439 messages 


The three most active voice channels this week were Staff Invisible out with 137.18 hours, Other Games - The worse one with 60.30 hours and Staff Hang Out with 34.50 hours (... staff have yapped too much... yet again. Help us.)

The three top voice chatters this week were:

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 44.40  hours

2. @Lankaster with 41.63 hours

3. @MatorkBoela with 39 hours

As this is all three staff (won't be the only ones), I will keep going. 

4. @MrJingles56 with 31.63 hours

5, @thegayestghost with 23 hours

6. @slushelhusky with 22.30 hours

7. @kilakim with 8.90 hours

8. @samuelvomsee with 8.58 hours.


Further Stats

We had an average of 2,051 messages per day this week, 63 less than last week with 102 unique members across 48 different channels. 

On average, we had 32.19 (more than a day per day...) hours spent in VC per day with 31 unique members across 9 diferent channels. 

We have had 26 people join the server and 9 people leaving, leaving us with a weekly gain of 17 people.

WolfQueen1896 · 7 days ago