WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes Week 3
Started by WolfQueen1896



Owner Member
30 Mar 2024
Last Seen
10 Feb 2025

Goood [Timezone] all!

I hope you have been having an okay January and 2025 so far! Staff have, as usual, been various states of busy over the last week, so lets see and judge the least active, shall we? I expect naming and shaming in General <3



Monday 6th January

- @Lankaster wrote last weeks updates and changes and changed the top chatter roles around (Also fulfilled his "insult sol" quota

- @solarizer0 wrote up the Revamp Updates and Changes in discord (And subsequently fulfilled its "insult lank and wolf" quota

Tuesday 7th January

- Staff took a collective mini holiday. 

Wednesday 8th January

- The creeper tree at spawn was removed by @WolfQueen1896, @slushelhusky and @Lankaster

- The servers restart time was re-done to fix it.

- Two players who werent able to collect their secret creeper presents had their presents magically TP'd into their inventories.

Thursday 9th January

- Collectivce holiday again. Staff do be taking their december holidays to the wrong week

Friday 10th January

- .... yeah nope. My work log is empty.

Saturday 11th January

- yeah. Nope. No changes, sorry. This do be a real empty Wolk Log this week. 

Sunday 12th January

- Same as the last three days. We really do be taking a break this week. Be collectivly proud of us all!



In the last seven days, we have had 25 open tickets (1 less than last week), 8 of them are still open (4 less than last week). Of these tickets, 12 of them were origin changes (7 more than last week)

(See! we did do work! It was just all hidden in tickets.)


In the last seven days, we have had a total of 7,124 messages sent. This is 8,121 less than last week. We spent a combined total of 78.23 hours in VC. This is 35.98 hours less than last week. 

The three most active chatting channels this week were general with 3.421 messages, rp-discussions with 861 messages and mc talk with 475 messages. 

The top chatters of the week were:

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 861 messages

2. @thegayestghost with 611 messages

3. @Flyvee with 607 messages

As this is 2 staff and 1 player, I will keep going. 

4. @solarizer0 with 595 messages

5. @Rax_Raccoon_ with 552 messages

6. @blueflame21x with 403 messages.

The three most active voice channels this week were hang out with 26.32 hours, Other games with 18.40 hours and invisible (staff channel) with 12.28 hours.

The three top voice chatters this week were:

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 19.70 hours

2. @MatorkBoela with 18.17 hours

3. @Lankaster with 15.32 hours

As this is all three staff, I will keep going. 

4. @thegayestghost with 6.62 hours

5, @kilakim with 3.57 hours

6. @grimtomic with 3.48 hours

7. @Flyvee with 3.28 hours

8. @chaos with 2.23 hours.

Further Stats

We had an average of 890 messages per day this week, 1,525 less than last week with 80 unique members across 40 different channels. 

On average, we had 9.88 hours spent in VC per day with 23 unique members across 8 diferent channels. 

We have had 28 people join the server and 12 people leaving, leaving us with a weekly gain of 16 people.

WolfQueen1896 · 28 days ago