WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes Week 2
Started by Lankaster



Admin Member
09 Apr 2024
Last Seen
10 Feb 2025

Good [timezone] everyone!

The website decided to delete all my progress when I was almost done. So second time writing this. So expect the notes to be straight to the point



Monday 30th December

- Last weeks changes were written up by @WolfQueen1896

- The top three chatters and VC chatters were changed around by @WolfQueen1896

- @solarizer0 wrote last weeks revamp updates, and fulfilled its “insult wolf and lank” quota, sol is allegedly "feeling good" about this

- A bunch of tickets were replied to and closed

Tuesday 31st December

- We collectivly took New Years Eve off

Wednesday 1st January

- @Cirawynn did origin changes

- @WolfQueen1896 Made the new years post

- @solarizer0 Made the the January nation token texture, but failed to export this image correctly, @Lankaster had to re-make the texture from a screenshot and export it.

- @MatorkBoela did 3 shop evictions

- @Cirawynn changed the origin password for January

- @WolfQueen1896 Changed the server icon back to normal

Thursday 2nd January

Another day off

Friday 3rd January

- @MatorkBoela and @Lankaster ended the great gift hunt, removing the quest and the presents around spawn

Saturday 4th January

- @WolfQueen1896 added the aforementioned nation token to the texture pack, and uploaded it to curseforge

- @MatorkBoela Removed the Hollow nation due to 3 monts of inactivity

- @MatorkBoela deleted the old nation quests, tallied up the points, and announced the winners of this month

- @WolfQueen1896 Added new nation quests

- @WolfQueen1896 Edited the role colours slightly to make them more clear

Sunday 5th January

- @slushelhusky fixed Floran being unable to drink honey bottles or eat sweet foods

- @slushelhusky also fixed Seaskipper having two conflicting diets, it can now eat all fish and their sliced versions




In the last seven days, we have had 26 open tickets (8 more than last week), 12 of them are still open (3 more than last week). Of these tickets, 5 of them were origin changes (same as last week)


In the last seven days, we have had a total of 15,245 messages sent. This is 4,055 less than last week. We spent a combined total of 114.33 hours in VC. This is 49.15 hours more than last week. 

The three most active chatting channels this week were general with 5,072 messages, rp-discussions (previously known as ooc) with 4,456 messages and Location Threads with 1,104 messages. 

The top chatters of the week were:

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 2,007 messages

2. @solarizer0 with 1,933 messages

3. @slushelhusky with 1,649 messages

As, yet again, the top three are all staff members, I will keep going until we have 3 players. 

4. @Flyvee with 1,459 messages

5. @isthisausernameicanuse9 with 767 messages. 

6. @thegayestghost with 695 messages

7. @Lankaster with 694 messages

8. @anbeetea with 630 messages.


The three most active voice channels this week were Minecraft VC with 28.72 hours, Other Games - The worse one (the better one in our hearts) with 27.65 hours, and Juice Bar (>18) with 15.73 hours.  

The three top voice chatters this week were:

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 17.05 hours

2. @MatorkBoela with 12.57 hours

3. @thegayestghost with 11 hours.

As those are 2 staff members and 1 player, I continue

4. @Lankaster with 10.23 hours

5. @thatguynathan54 with 7.37 hours

6. @DoomSlayer4 with 5.08 hours. (as most, if not all of this was in staff channels still, I'm going to continue)

7. @flarethefoxy with 5.08 hours. (also to solve this tie)


Further Stats

We had an average of 2,415 1,907 messages per day this week, 508 less than last week with 98 unique members across 50 unique channels. 

On average, we had 14.29 hours spent in VC per day with 30 unique members over 10 unique channels. 

We have had 32 people join the server and 11 people leaving the server, leaving us with a weekly gain of 21 people. 

Lankaster · about 1 month ago