WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes Week 1
Started by WolfQueen1896



Owner Member
30 Mar 2024
Last Seen
10 Feb 2025

Hello one and all! Happy [timezone]

I dislike that it is still 2024 and I am labeling this as week 1... But I hope you all have an awsome Hogmany later this week, and that you have all had as amazing a 2024 as you could. Sending you all wishes for a great 2025. 

As this is the last week of the year, staff have been quite busy IRL, so I suspect this will be a shorter Updates than normal as we have all enjoyed our holidays. 



Monday 23rd December

- Revamp updates were written. 

Tuesday 24th December

- We collectivly took Christmas Eve off. 

Wednesday 25th December

- @MatorkBoela checked for shop rent. 

Thursday 26th December

- The carmot staff was added to items not allowed within a backpack due to a duplication glitch that was found. @WolfQueen1896 does not apologise for this change. 

Friday 27th December

Another day off

Saturday 28th December

Hey look! staff is taking holiday seriously for once!

Sunday 29th December

Two new donators recieved their rewards, given by @Lankaster



In the last seven days, we have had 18 open tickets (1 more than last week), 9 of them are still open (2 less than last week). Of these tickets, 5 of them were origin changes (2 more than last week)


In the last seven days, we have had a total of 19,300 messages sent. This is 5,753 less than last week. We spent a combined total of 65.18 hours in VC. This is 55.94 hours less than last week. 

The three most active chatting channels this week were ooc with 7,853 messages, General with 2,723 messages and Location Threads with 1,352 messages. 

The top chatters of the week were:

1. @solarizer0 with 2,983 messages

2. @WolfQueen1896 with 2,775 messages

3. @Flyvee with 2,074 messages

As, yet again, the top three are all staff members, I will keep going until we have 3 players. 

4. @slushelhusky with 1,934 messages

5. @blueflame21x with 1,372 messages. 

6. @Lankaster with 1,261 messages

7. @isthisausernameicanuse9 with 934 messages

8. @mrfiretank with 880 messages.


The three most active voice channels this week were Event Stage with 14.53 hours, Other Games 2 with 13.95 hours, and Juice Bar (<18) with 9.22 hours.  

The three top voice chatters this week were:

1. @WolfQueen1896 with 10.47 hours

2. @Lankaster with 7.87 hours

3. @MatorkBoela with 6.32 hours.

As those are... as per ususal, staff members, I'mm continue

4. @chaos_o with 6.02 hours

5. @lpl070 with 6 hours

6. @thegayestghost with 5.83 hours.

Further Stats

We had an average of 2,415 messages per day this week, 719 less than last week with 96 unique members across 51 unique channels. 

On average, we had 8.22 hours spent in VC per day with 25 unique members over 11 unique channels. 

We have had 24 people join the server and 15 people leaving the server, leaving us with a weekly gain of 9 people. 

WolfQueen1896 · about 1 month ago