WolfQueen's Origins

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Lore writing guide & suggestions
Started by LadyAlascar

Topic Locked


02 Apr 2024
Last Seen
30 Sep 2024


Looking for some clarification on the rules? Maybe a bit lost on how to write a character and want some help? Well either way you’ve come to the right place! This is a guide for writing a lore character for the WolfQueen’s Origins Server, which also includes suggestions and common setups for if you are needing some inspiration.

The guide is split into 4 sections, Character Template, Writing a Backstory, Possible deals, and What Now? You can quickly navigate to the section you want using the overview found in the top left corner.

Some more information on each section:

  • Character Template. A template we found works best for writing your character, while you don’t have to follow this to the letter, some parts are required for making a character. This template can also be found in the discord.

  • Writing a Backstory. An in depth explanation on how to write a backstory for your character and common setups used.

  • Possible Deals. A collection of suggestions for deals you could make with WolfQueen to gain entry to the world in lore.

What Now? Short guide and suggestions for what to do after you’ve made a character and started playing them.

LadyAlascar · 7 months ago · Last edited: 7 months ago


02 Apr 2024
Last Seen
30 Sep 2024

Character Template

We have built a template to set up your lore, while not required to keep to this template, we found that it works best to create a lore character in most circumstances. Some aspects are required to make a character and will be marked as such.

* = Required


[In-game name and character name if different]


[Character pronouns]


[Rough age for your character, no minors (WolfQueen would not accept a Minors' consent as consent enough for her to take memories). Don't try to get around this by using for example an 800 year old creature in a child's body.]


[Origin in lore]


[While not required, it is highly recommended to write a backstory for your character as this is where most of the motivation comes from. More info and common setups can be found in the “writing a backstory” section of the guide]


[Explain lore wise how your character receives in-game messages, normal, whispers, announcements etc etc. This is a good way to show your character’s/origin’s powers in action]


[If you are close to, or following a particular God or Gods, pop in here. Add an explanation for why you like this/these Gods.]


[Any other player with whom you have a noteworthy relationship with.]


[If you are a part of a Nation, list it here]

*World you joined: 

[current is world 9 (Terra Lupi)]

*How you met WolfQueen: 

[The way you ended up meeting WolfQueen, you MUST have met Wolfqueen to join the server, as she is the only one that can let people into her world. You CANNOT be born into this world]

*Reason for Joining: 

[Explain what "deal" you made with WolfQueen to join the server in exchange for your memories or something else. This might have been willingly, or coerced/blackmailed out of you]


[Use this section to describe if you have any memories or not, or what crucial memories WolfQueen has taken from you]

Earlier Worlds: 

[Anything significant you did in a previous world (WQO world) that may come up/be important in the current world]

  • If you arrived after world 8, you would still meet wolfqueen, but she would only take 5 "unimportant" memories from you, not all. Either you agreed and told her which memories to take (she will take these memories, she will not take something you didn't consent to losing) or she took 5 memories. She will always inform you that she is taking memories, she might take the memory of that deal, though.)

  • If you arrived before the current world, you can choose if coming into the new world gives you all of your memories back, some of them or none of them; you can work this into your lore for moving forward if you wish too, we are happy to work with people.

LadyAlascar · 7 months ago · Last edited: 7 months ago


02 Apr 2024
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30 Sep 2024

Writing a Backstory

A backstory is the beating heart of your character. It’s why and how they do things. Experiences shape the person we are, and that’s no different for a character. So make sure to write someone whose actions are consistent. If you write someone who is calm and collected usually but you want them to be angry, make sure you have them “break” character in a way that seems believable. Like it needs to be something big or something that really gets under their skin, not a minor inconvenience.

If you are stuck where to start, be sure to get some inspiration from the backstories in the characters forum in the discord. Even if you have an idea we suggest looking through some of the backstories. Taking inspiration is the key to all creative works, so feel free to take ideas and repurpose them for your own character (obviously don’t directly lift the ideas and use them in your own backstory, that would be stealing).

If you want to make sure your character fits into the world, make sure to check out the lore document and specifically the section about background information (lore document found here: WolfQueen's LORE document). We want to bring specific attention to the part about technology, because that means a scientist/engineer character will have to be written very differently than usual.

Hopefully you now have some ideas for a backstory, so how about we show you a common setup on how to write one.

Your general outline should be something like this:

  1. Character introduction. Who the character is/was, this doesn’t have to be much, just one line stating name, origin (if they had one before coming to this world) and place they came from would be enough.

  2. Major events. Any big events that happened before you joined this world, this section is the most free flowing and is hard to give general advice on. Honestly just trust your guts. See the “Possible Deals” section for a few suggestions on major events that can cause you to join this world. Repeat this section for as many events that you want to describe. Often 1 or 2 is enough.

  3. Lead up to the deal. The way you ended up meeting Wolfqueen. Often this is through a character death or dream, though it can be really any way. This just needs to be a section that clarifies how you got from the last major event to making a deal with Wolfqueen.

This is by far not the only way to write a backstory, just the easiest and most commonly used. If you want to do something creative like writing your backstory as a poem, audio transcription or scientific report, feel free to go for it. There’s no wrong format for a backstory.


LadyAlascar · 7 months ago · Last edited: 7 months ago


02 Apr 2024
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30 Sep 2024

Possible Deals

To gain entry to the world in lore, you will have to have made a deal with WolfQueen. You are almost always on the losing side of this bargain, as WolfQueen is very manipulative and will use any tactic at her disposal to get you to join while still conforming to the constraints of a deal. So make sure to keep that in mind while thinking up your deal and looking at these suggestions.

Examples of reasons to make a deal:

  • Hybrid discrimination. It is a common setup that hybrids (origins) are being discriminated against/experimented on in the world you are from. WQ can very easily take advantage of that by offering you a world full of hybrids without discrimination or experimentation.

  • Losing loved ones. Having lost loved ones in your world can cause a lot of grief for your character. WQ can offer to take your memories of the loss and the people you lost in exchange for bringing you to this new world where you can then live without the grief.

  • Being trapped. If you are stuck in jail or some sort of void, that can drive you insane and desperate to be free. WQ will take advantage of that to offer you a new world in exchange for some of your memories.

  • Escape. Maybe your character did something bad, perhaps killed a few people, committed arson, stole something valuable, or just generally went on a spree of smaller crimes. And now they need to escape. WQ can take advantage of that by offering a way out.

  • The slow burn. WolfQueen doesn’t just have to appear the moment that you make the deal, she can try to convince you beforehand and you can deny. But if she thinks you are a fit, she will come back to try and convince you to join. Maybe the slow manipulation is what gets your character to make a deal. Maybe it’s a bad event happening (that may or may not be caused by WQ) and your character turning to WQ to accept the deal that’s been on the table for so long.

Not every deal has to be for memories, it’s just the thing WolfQueen gravitates towards. If your character has something else to offer that might be of interest to WQ, she might want to take that instead.

Also, remember WolfQueen is the Big Bad. Yes she has saved people from bad situations and took them somewhere safe. But she has also manipulated, lied, stolen, killed, framed and hurt people just to get them to accept. She is clever enough to make it seem coincidental. Even if it seems to have helped you in the moment, most of the time the deal you made is a faustian bargain. Which will either have been through the memories taken causing you to lose part of  your personality, morality, or even sanity. Or be because you joining will set in motion a chain reaction resulting often in your death.

LadyAlascar · 7 months ago · Last edited: 7 months ago


02 Apr 2024
Last Seen
30 Sep 2024

What Now?

Finishing the character template should not be the end of your involvement in lore, in fact it should be the beginning. The character template you just built is a starting off point to start playing your character, so that other players know something about your character and can work with you. If you are looking for someone to do lore with, you can search the characters forum and look for anyone who has the “Open to Collabs” tag (this includes staff, don’t be scared to approach us just because some of us play gods, we are more than willing to do lore).

We’ll also be hosting lore events from time to time which contribute to the overarching story. Feel free to join these even if you haven’t done any lore yet, events like these are good jumping off points to start your lore involvement and a good way to find people that you can have lore interactions with.

But most of all, get out there, make yourself known, just interacting with people outside of lore can make for great ideas for lore. We want the story to be mostly driven by players, not be run by the few at the top. This is an ensemble story after all, not a story where you are just a side character being brought along for the ride. YOU can be a main character if you just establish yourself among the players and dare to make important contributions to the plot.

Here are a few suggestions to do just that:

  • Join one of the factions or nations. For example, do you despise Wolfqueen for taking advantage of you when you were in a desperate situation, then join the Against Wolfqueen faction. Then work your way up to be one of the leading figures of the charge.

  • Make a faction/nation. Do you think no factions or nations in lore fit your character, then make one. We are always happy to see more player involvement. For example, think there is not enough worship for c!Mocha, make a nation dedicated in his honor. Example two: think there is not enough involvement for ocean origins, make a nation for ocean origins, and focus on what they want.

  • Join events. As stated before, events are a great way to find more people with lore involvement to make friends or enemies out of.

  • Make an event. Have an idea for lore? Then suggest it in the lore suggestions forum. This is a great way to simultaneously work out the idea and find people willing to join. For example, want to get rid of those pesky gods? Hold a meeting with like minded characters and discuss plans how to do that.

  • Follow/befriend a god. Thinking your character might be a good fit to work with a god? Talk to them. Chances are we’ll work something out.

These are by far not the only ways to contribute to lore, so feel free to think of other ways to become lore important. What matters is that if you want to contribute to lore, you can and are encouraged to.

LadyAlascar · 7 months ago · Last edited: 7 months ago