WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes week 45
5 days ago

Good [Timezone] everyone!


...is what I would have said if it was not announced last week that I would be doing every other week

As for the other thing...

Challenge accepted

And of course I'll return the favor, so wolf, here is a riddle for you: "Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What word am I?" And of course to any of you reading it, nobody tell wolf (and wolf no looking it up either)

Okay with the preamble out of the way, let's get to the actual updates and changes.



Monday 21st October

Updates and Changes week 44
12 days ago

Good [Timezone] everyone!

Starting this week, @Lankaster and I will be swapping doing these updates every other week, so I would like to add a little challenge to him (just to make these a little harder cause that's fun). I found a little Riddle and I want Lankaster to work the answer of the riddle somewhere in next weeks post. "I know a word of letters three. Add two and fewer there will be" - now none of you tell Lankaster the answer (and no looking it up, Lanky). 

For the rest of you, I have another Riddle if you would like - "I am a three-digit number. My second digit is 4 times bigger than the third digit. My first digit is 3 less than my second digit. Guess the number?"

Right: Back to what we are...

Updates and Changes week 43
19 days ago

Good [timezone] everyone.

I couldn't think of anything to start the post with, so lets just get right to it.



Monday 7th October

- Wrote last weeks updates and changes, and updated the top 3 chat and voice chatter roles.

- Nation quests for Enders Reach were added

Tuesday 8th October

- A revamp announcement was made

- Perms were fixed so players can talk in threads in revamp announcements

Wednesday 9th October

Nothing outside the usual happened today.

Thursday 10th October

- Restart times were fixed

- Magic mods were looked into for revamp

Friday 11th October

Again nothing besides th...

Updates and Changes week 42
26 days ago

Good [timezone] everyone.

I'm writing this while barely awake enough to comprend words. Sleep is overratered anyway. (Do not take half awake me's advice)

As usual, the month change is a busy time, so expect that to be reflected in the daily changes.



Monday 30th September

- Wrote last weeks updates and changes, and updated the top 3 chat and voice chatter roles.

- Ender mind was officially added to the softban list (it was softbanned before, just not on the list)

- A website for revamp was worked on

- The server resource pack was updated for October and uploaded to the server

Tuesday 1st October

- The discord icon was changed to...

Updates and Changes week 41
about 1 month ago

Good [timezone] everyone.

Second week of me writing the updates and changes. I really got thrown it to the deep end last week with one of the busiest weeks. Lucky this week was a bit quieter as most staff were still recovering from last week.



Monday 23th September

- Wrote last weeks updates and changes, and updated the top 3 chat and voice chatter roles.

Tuesday 24th September

Staff took a collective day off today

Wednesday 25th September

Another day off! Look at us go taking a break.

Thursday 26th September

Okay back in action today

- A case of ban evasion was loctated, and the person was banned again.

- Th...

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