WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes Week 4
5 hours ago

Gooood [Timezone] all!

Whoa an early updates and changes from me? You mean I actually woke up early, and remembered to write the updates? Unheard of.



Monday 13th January

- @WolfQueen1896 wrote last weeks updates and changes and changed the top chatter roles around

- @WolfQueen1896 put the art fight people into teams, and opened art fight

- @solarizer0 wrote up the Revamp Updates and Changes in discord (And subsequently fulfilled its "insult lank and wolf" quota) (Hey wasn't this last weeks description?)

Tuesday 14th January

- @MatorkBoela set up a player shop in the shopping district

Wednesday 15th January

- Nothing outs...

Updates and Changes Week 3
7 days ago

Goood [Timezone] all!

I hope you have been having an okay January and 2025 so far! Staff have, as usual, been various states of busy over the last week, so lets see and judge the least active, shall we? I expect naming and shaming in General <3



Monday 6th January

- @Lankaster wrote last weeks updates and changes and changed the top chatter roles around (Also fulfilled his "insult sol" quota

- @solarizer0 wrote up the Revamp Updates and Changes in discord (And subsequently fulfilled its "insult lank and wolf" quota


Updates and Changes Week 2
14 days ago

Good [timezone] everyone!

The website decided to delete all my progress when I was almost done. So second time writing this. So expect the notes to be straight to the point



Monday 30th December

- Last weeks changes were written up by @WolfQueen1896

- The top three chatters and VC chatters were changed around by @WolfQueen1896

- @solarizer0 wrote last weeks revamp updates, and fulfilled its “insult wolf and lank” quota, sol is

Updates and Changes Week 1
21 days ago

Hello one and all! Happy [timezone]

I dislike that it is still 2024 and I am labeling this as week 1... But I hope you all have an awsome Hogmany later this week, and that you have all had as amazing a 2024 as you could. Sending you all wishes for a great 2025. 

As this is the last week of the year, staff have been quite busy IRL, so I suspect this will be a shorter Updates than normal as we have all enjoyed our holidays. 



Monday 23rd December

- Revamp updates were written. 

Tuesday 24th December

- We collectivly took Christmas Eve off. 

Wednesday 25th December

- @MatorkBoela checked for shop rent. 

<h... />
Updates and Changes Week 52
28 days ago

Good [timezone] everyone

Last week of the year! Wishing you all happy holidays!



Monday 16th December

- Last weeks changes were written up by @WolfQueen1896

- The top three chatters and VC chatters were changed around by @WolfQueen1896

Tuesday 17th December

- Trial mod role colours were changed by @WolfQueen1896

- All staff got staff watchlists, ya know, for equality

- Two lore sctipts were worked on

Wednesday 18th December

- A lot of inactive members were purged by @WolfQueen1896

Thursday 19th December

- @WolfQueen1896 Fixed up the canon events channel

- A new script was publised by [user]1[/...

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