WolfQueen's Origins

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Updates and Changes - Week 11
1 day ago

Goooooooooood [Timezone] Everyone!

I'm back for the updates and changes, have you missed me? (I better hear you say that you have /lhj)

Anyway I'm doing this at 5 am because I am a completely functional human being



Monday 3rd March

(this was evidently sol's day)

- @solarizer0 Wrote the weekly updates and changes, and changed around the top 3 chatter and voice chatters roles

- @solarizer0 Wrote the weekly revamp updates

- @solarizer0 Did an origin change


Tuesday 4th March

- @WolfQueen1896 Disabled carl bot from double logging certain things

- @Cirawynn Completed an origin change.


Updates and Changes - Week 10
8 days ago

The original draft for this contained a lovely greeting, a riddle, and comments throughout. And then NamelessHosting (the site we're on right now) decided it didn't like that and yeeted the original draft, and I don't have the time or effort to do it all again, so here we are. 

Now I go write Revamp Updates.



Monday 24th February

- @WolfQueen1896 Updated week...

Updates and Changes - Week 9
15 days ago

Hello again all! I hope everyone has had an acceptably okay week 



Monday 17th February

- The lore doc was updated by @MrJingles56

- The Script Template was updated by @WolfQueen1896 to make it less intimidating. 

- @solarizer0 wrote teh revamp updates for the week in which it "cried to the players" about what happened the day before

Updates and Changes Week 8
22 days ago

Good [Timezone] everyone!

This week focus was more divided between delegating staff duties, getting training for such duties and still handling revamp.

Updates and Changes Week 7
28 days ago

Goooooood [Timezone] everyone!

You will see that, again, focus on staff has been more revamp focussed this week. We are a one track well oiled machine right now. 


Monday 3rd February

- @WolfQueen1896 completed the updates and changes for the week before

- @WolfQueen1896 updated the top chatter roles. 

- @WolfQueen1896 Finished totalling up the Art Fight winners and announced winning team. 

- @solarizer0 Sol successfully bullied the other staff in it's "revamp Updates" post. 

Tuesday 4th February

- @Cirawynn updated teh work log with an origin change. 

- @WolfQueen1896 compiled the nation feedback survey int...

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